SUHF är medlem i - Det nordiska universitetssamarbetet/The Nordic University Association (NUS) - European University Association (EUA) - International Association of Universities (IAU)
Det nordiska universitetssamarbetet (NUS)
Det nordiska universitetssamarbetet (NUS) är ett samarbetsorgan för nordiska universitet och högskolor.
Medlemmar är Danske Universiteter (Danmark), Finlands univeritetsrektorers råd/Suomen yliopistojen rehtorineuvosto, UNIFI (Finland), Samstarfsnefnd háskólastigsins (Island), Universitets- og høgskolerådet, UHR (Norge) och Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund, SUHF (Sverige).
NUS’ styrelse består av två ledamöter från respektive nationell rektorskonferens, normalt ordförande och generalsekreterare. Rektor vid Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (The University of the Faroe Islands), Ilisimatusarfik (Grønlands Universitet/University of Greenland) och Högskolan på Åland (Åland University of Applied Sciences) har rätt att delta som observatörer i styrelsemötena. NUAS har rätt att delta som observatör.
NUS ska
- sörja för ömsesidig orientering av utvecklingen inom högre utbildning och forskning i de nordiska länderna
- främja samverkan mellan de nationella rektorskonferenserna i de nordiska länderna
- främja samarbete mellan universiteten i de nordiska länderna (alla lärosäten anslutna till respektive lands rektorskonferens anges i detta sammanhang som universitet)
- arrangera nordiska universitetskonferenser för fr.a. rektorer, normalt vartannat år
- fungera som gemensam kontaktorganisation för de nordiska universiteten och företräda universitetsperspektivet mot Nordiska ministerrådet och andra nordiska institutioner, såsom NordForsk, i frågor som har universitetspolitisk karaktär
- koordinera de nordiska rektorskonferensernas arbete i internationella sammanhang när sådant anses ändamålsenligt
- följa den verksamhet som genomförs i det nordiska universitetsadministratörssamarbetet (NUAS).

Nordic University Association (NUS)
The Nordic University Association (NUS) is a joint body for Nordic higher education institutions.
The members are Universities Denmark, Universities Finland (UNIFI), The National Rectors’ Conference in Iceland, Universities Norway and The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF).
The Association’s Board comprises two members, normally the Chair and Secretary-General, from each country’s national university rectors’ conference. The Rectors of the University of the Faroe Islands, the University of Greenland and Åland University of Applied Sciences are entitled to attend the Board meetings as observers. NUAS is also entitled to attend as an observer.
The NUS will:
- provide for mutually aligned development of higher education and research in the Nordic countries
- promote cooperation among the national university rectors’ conferences in the Nordic countries
- promote cooperation among universities in the Nordic countries (all higher education institutions affiliated to the respective country’s university rectors’ conference are referred to as ‘universities’ in this context)
- hold Nordic university conferences, primarily for rectors and as a rule biennially
- act as a joint contact organisation for the Nordic universities and, vis-à-vis the Nordic Council of Ministers and other Nordic institutions such as NordForsk, represent the university perspective on issues with a bearing on university policy
- coordinate the work of the Nordic university rectors’ conferences in international contexts when this is deemed appropriate
- monitor the activities undertaken in the Nordic Association of University Administrators (NUAS).
European University Association (EUA)
The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard.
International Association of Universities (IAU)
Founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Universities (IAU) is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world. IAU brings together its Members from more than 130 countries for reflection and action on common priorities. IAU is an independent, bilingual (English and French), non-governmental organization. IAU is an official partner of UNESCO (Associate status). It acts as the voice of higher education to UNESCO and other international higher education organizations, and provides a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations.